SEXUAL MISCONDUCT AND HARASSMENT INFORMATION: Click here for the latest information

1. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics ( BAAE)

2. Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management ( BABM)

3. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Development Communication ( BADC)

4. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Education ( BAED)

5. Bachelor of Science in Development Economics ( BDEC)

6. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Enterprise Development and Microfinance ( BEDM)

7. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extension ( BEXT)

8. Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics ( MAAE)

9. Master of Science in Agriculture Education ( MAED)

10. Master of Science in Rural Development and Extension ( MEXT)

11. PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics ( PAEC)

12. PhD in Rural Development and Extension ( PAEX)

13. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Innovations ( BAGI)

14. Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics ( MCAE)

15. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Extension ( BEXT)

16. Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management ( BABM)

17. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics ( BAAE)

18. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Innovations ( BAGI)

19. Bachelor of Science Education ( BSCE)

20. PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics ( PAAE)

21. Bachelor of Education Sciences ( BEDS)

22. University Certificate of Education ( UCED)

23. Bachelor of Science Education (AGR-BIO) ( BEDSA)

24. Bachelor of Science Education (PHY-MAT) ( BEDSB)

25. Master of Science in Agribusiness Management ( MABM)

26. PhD in Extension Innovation and Development ( PIXD)