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The Deputy Vice Chancellor - Dr Agnes Mbachi Mwangwela, (PhD)

Dr Agnes Mbachi Mwangwela, (PhD) who is an Associate Professor in Food Science is a seasoned scholar and higher education leader with 25 years of experience in university teaching. An alumnus of University of Malawi (Bunda College of Agriculture -1990-1995, 1996-2000) and University of Pretoria (2003-2006), Dr. Agnes Mwangwela has served in university leadership positions since 2006 starting out as Deputy Head and then Head of Home Economics and Human Nutrition Department (2008-2013), followed by two terms of office as Dean of Food and Human Sciences (2013-2019) and Chair of Deans (2015-2016). In 2019, Dr. Mwangwela was appointed Acting Director of Bunda College, a position she was substantively appointed to in January 2021 and was serving before this appointment.

A holder of PhD in Food Science from the University of Pretoria, Dr. Mwangwela is currently leading the Malawi Food Data System (MAFOODS) responsible for the compilation of Food Composition data and its management in the country, she is also the current chairperson for the Malawi Bureau of Standards Board of Directors and the NCHE Higher Education Institutions Gender Taskforce. Dr. Mwangwela is also the Focal point for the Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) which is a consortium of Michigan State University and ten leading African universities that are committed to working in equitable partnership to transform lives and address global challenges.

Dr Mwangwela is a recipient of The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology fellowship. An ardent believer in mentorship, she has supervised over 50 postgraduate students and was identified as a mentor by the African Women in Agriculture Research and Development (AWARD) and continues to mentor upcoming young men and women in Agricultural sciences through the SARUA-UKRI Food System Network. Dr. Mwangwela brings extensive experience of effective partnership with government departments and development partners such as USAID, Irish Aid, EU, UNFPA that have enabled LUANAR to make significant contribution to the nations Gender, Food and Nutrition sectors. Through these collaborations, Dr. Mwangwela championed the introduction of Master of Science & Postgraduate diploma in Clinical Dietetics as well as Gender and Development academic programs at LUANAR.     RTP Live 2023