City campus was established as a way of contributing towards national development through the provision of quality training at tertiary level by narrowing the gap for the unmet demand for tertiary education; to fulfil the p
City campus was established as a way of contributing towards national development through the provision of quality training at tertiary level by narrowing the gap for the unmet demand for tertiary education; to fulfil the p
rovisions of the 2012 to 2017 LUANAR Strategic Plan and the 2008 to 2017 Malawi National Education Sector Plan (NESP); and to bring LUANAR close to its clientele to increase knowledge, enhance skills and competencies in agriculture and allied disciplines for entrepreneurship while at the same time maximizing the use of its academic staff.
The vision for City Campus is to be an outstanding campus of excellence in teaching and learning and its mission is to produce highly qualified and skilled graduates in agriculture with entrepreneurial skills capable of self-employment through delivery of quality and competitive programs.
City campus operates on a business model necessitating the establishment of a programs development office.
slot pulsa tanpa potongan
City Campus offers ten undergraduate programs (8 Bsc and 2 Diplomas) and two postgraduate programs from five departments including Extension Agribusiness, Agriculture and Applied ...
Students portal allows you to access your academic records at LUANAR. During the orientations, students are given default passwords which enable them login for the first time into the portal.
Presently, City Campus is operating on two premises thus MACOHA and Area 36. Both these two Campus Premises have internet connection which is accessed by both staff and students.MACOHA has 3 Lecturer rooms with a total class capacity of about 160 students (40, 40 & 80), 1 board room and 3 staff office and a study room.
Area 36 premises has a Library, 2 lecture halls and 5 Lecture rooms with a maximum capacity of about 500 students (140, 100, 30, 30, 20 & 20), 1 staff board room and 3 offices. ODL occupies 2 out of the 3 staff offices available at Area 36. In the year, City Campus rented an additional classroom (Hall 3) to accommodate the 2018/19 first years and has the capacity of 300 students.
City campus is strategically located within the City of Lilongwe. As such, the Campus aims: